Everything DiSC® Management Boxed Facilitation Kit


Elevate your management skills with the Everything DiSC Management Facilitation Kit. This comprehensive kit is designed to help managers develop their management styles, improve communication, and increase employee engagement. With a leader’s script, PowerPoint slides featuring embedded videos, and participant handouts, the facilitation materials provide a robust framework for delivering impactful training sessions.

Product Description

Everything DiSC Management Facilitation Kit focuses on:

  • Managers Developing their management styles
  • Improving communication
  • Increasing employee engagement

Facilitation materials include:

  • Leader’s script
  • PowerPoint with embedded video
  • Participant handouts
Everything DiSC Management Facilitation materials are designed to be used with the Everything DiSC Management Profile and an EPIC Sub-Account. Don’t have an Electronic Profile Information Center sub-account? Set-up is being waived for a limited time – a $150.00 value* – ask for yours today!