Everything DiSC® People-Reading Pen (Set of 5)


Enhance your DiSC training with the practical and convenient DiSC Personality Pen. With a simple click, you can easily recall the DiSC Personality preferences of your co-workers, apply DiSC language and learning, and contribute to team building. Don’t be left behind – ensure you have several pens on hand as they tend to disappear from desks! These discreet “cheat sheets” also make unique gifts for those familiar with DiSC. Each pack contains five pens to keep you equipped and in the DiSC “know”.

Product Description

Reinforce DiSC Training with this simple yet practical pen. With but a “click” you can recall the DiSC Personality preferences of your co-worker, apply the DiSC Language and learning, and advance the building of your team. Every contribution counts, no matter how small. Don’t be the last one on your team to “get it”!

A word to the wise: These quick and discreet “cheat sheets” have a way of disappearing from your desk! Have several in preparation of this phenomenon. They make novel gifts for those in the DiSC “Know”. (sold in a pack of 5)